The Mentoring program further customizes the learning experience. Affiliate Members are matched with an experienced Bay Area grantmaker or foundation colleague for three to six months:
- To accelerate learning about a particular grantmaking interest or a particular aspect of foundation operations;
- To jump-start the development a network of funder and nonprofit colleagues; and
- To be referred to relevant resource organizations and helpful written materials.
About TFI Mentors
First Contact
Learning Goals
Open to Affiliate Members only, please contact
TFI at info@foundationincubator.org
to schedule an appointment.
About TFI Mentors
TFI mentors are colleagues with specific expertise and experience in a particular area of philanthropy - i.e., program, finance, management, and development. Program Officers, for example, may help to develop a strategic grantmaking portfolio in health, education, community building, or the environment.
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First Contact
TFI staff will match Affiliate Member with a mentor based on requested interest areas and mentor availability. The mentor will then coordinate an introductory meeting to get to know one another, decide upon specific learning goals, determine best ways to communicate with one another, and frequency of contact.
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Learning Goals
Two or three initial learning goals will be determined for the mentorship period. Example activities include:
- introductions to two or three funder colleagues in the issue area
- review of grant proposals
- shadow funder on a site visit or receive guidance on meeting with grantees
- direction to relevant research and contacts
- referral to consultants
- review of grantmaking guidelines or procedures
- information about key conferences and affinity groups
- exposure to different grantmaking strategies (e.g. public-related investments, capacity-building, operating support, advocacy
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